We decided to not add additional damage push (extra Rings, Amulets, Potions, etc. in Itemshop or in Game) for the duration of the Event to not have an influence over the Yohara.
The Event is designed to help new-comers and beginner players that want to start Rubinum and to catch up but also for current player base.
Equipment received is ACCOUNT BOUND and will become NON ACCOUNT BOUND after is crafted to the next evolution.
The Event should not be compared with Victorious Event because this is not a Speed Server event.
Now is the right time to start!
Special Beginner Chest (This Chest will be received only by new Characters. Once you open the Chest you will be instant Level 75 and you will receive +7 Equipment of your Level)
Instant Level 75
Level 30 Biologist Quest accomplished
Level 70 Biologist Quest accomplished
Hell's Tear Equipment +7
Souls Belt +7
Lv. 75 Weapon +7 (50% Average Damage)
Lv. 66 Armor +7
Phoenix Shoes +7
Lv. 55 Helmet +7
Titan Shield +7
2x Rainbow Stones (P)
Usual Apprentice Chest Items
Pickaxe +3
Fishing Rod +3
Free Itemshop Chest (This Chest will be received by new Characters and players between level 75 - 115)
Crescent Moon Ring (7 Days)
Strong against Monsters +30%
Max. EXP +25%
Max. HP +1.500
Ring of Joy (7 Days)
Strong against Metinstones +30%
Max. EXP +25%
Max. HP +1.500
Buffi Seal (7 Days)
210 Intelligence
Buffi Healer Upgrade
Unlocks Buffi Healer Skills
Pet Nickname Scroll (7 Days)
Strong against Metinstones +10%
Strong against Monsters +10%
Mount Nickname Scroll (7 Days)
Strong againast Metinstones +10%
Strong against Monsters +10%
Buffi Nickname Scroll (7 Days)
Strong against Monsters +10%
Experience +10%
Pet Experience +10%
King Mannsen Seal (7 Days)
Strong against Metinstones +20%
Strong against Monsters +20%
Strong against Bosses +20%
Pet Experience +25%
EXP +25%
Max. HP 2.000
Emperor Griffy Seal (7 Days)
Strong against Metinstones +20%
Strong against Monsters +20%
Strong against Bosses +20%
Pet Experience +25%
EXP +25%
Body Booster
Strong against Monsters +5%
Strong against Metinstones +5%
Strong against Bosses +5%
Hair Booster
Strong against Monsters +5%
Strong against Metinstones +5%
Strong against Bosses +5%
Weapon Booster
Strength +8
Strong against Metinstones +5%
Strong against Bosses +5%
Ultimate Element Ring (Beginner)
Max. HP 1.500
Strong against all Elements +5%
Max. EXP +25%
Permanent Beginner Event
Special Beginner Chest (Only new created Characters will receive this chest)
Free Itemshop Chest (Every character between Lv. 75 - 115 will receive this chest)
Special Beginner Coin I can be obtained from Dungeon Bosses (Demon Tower, (Spider Queen Nest, Beran Setaou and Devil's Catacomb))
Special Beginner Coin II can be obtained from Dungeon Bosses (Crabhead Lero's Bay until and including Ape Temple Wu-Kong
Special Beginner Coin III can be obtained from Dungeon Bosses (Erebos, Meley's Lair and Ignail's Dawnmist)
Dungeons (Demon Tower - including Nemere) can drop their Passage Ticket back (B) version
Dungeons (Demon Tower - including Nemere) can drop extra Yang
Metinstones until and including Red Forest drop additional Enchant Item
We will also bless you with great side events - check out our inGame Event Calendar so that you're always up to date!
Itemshop Offers
During the Euro & Special Beginner Event the following offers will be available. Due to high requests we have also decided to put on discount several packages for our players.