
Event Start: 07.11
Event End: 26.11 (12:00 CET)
Permanent running Events
Journey Coins
- Information: Coins and rewards bought with them are untradable!
- Information: Coins and rewards bought with them are untradable!
Event Dungeons

- King Kong's Lair
- Cooldown: 3 hours
- Low Level range: 75 - 105
- High Level range: 106 - CLv. 30

- Ghostship Port
- Cooldown: 3 hours
- Low Level range: 75 - 105
- High Level range: 106 - CLv. 30

- Spring Valley
- Cooldown: 3 hours
- Low Level range: 75 - 105
- High Level range: 106 - CLv. 30
Journey Coin Shop
Right-click on the Coins that you drop to open a special shop.
Shop for Journey Coin I
Shop for Journey Coin II and III
Shop for Journey Coin IV
Shop for Journey Coin V

Shop for Journey Coin II and III

Shop for Journey Coin IV

Shop for Journey Coin V

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